That month went fast! Sorry about silence here; I’ve mostly been doing non-press work, but there are a few updates:
HALLELUJAH AND PASS THE BISCUITS! Adam Saint’s fast-paced, scary, funny technothriller THE TRANSFER PROBLEM is now available literally1 everywhere2 in paperback, after months of begging, pleading, cajoling, threatening, and tantrum-throwing (from me, not Adam). So please, please, please, for the love of god, please buy this book. And if you’ve already bought it, buy it again. It’s had such a hard start in life, and it’s so good. The Amazon reviews are really gratifying.
To relaunch THE TRANSFER PROBLEM and to generally do it all better than I can, I have a new social media person looking after Twitter and Instagram for me, which is particularly exciting because . . .
. . . I am going to work for HarperCollins! I’m doing a maternity cover contract for one year, in the Crime and Thrillers team at HarperFiction. The press will continue along, but I won’t take submissions from new authors this year. But—
—I will be publishing two books at some point in the next year!
The first is a sequel. In 2023 you’ll be treated to what happens next after the final pages of Siôn Scott-Wilson’s gorgeous SOME RISE BY SIN. Sammy and Facey get embroiled in another mess, this one possibly even more compelling than. the last, if that is possible.
The second is from an author who is new to the press! The brilliant James Kinsley has written a fantastic cross-genre short-story collection (where all the stories together make a phenomenal whole), and again I can’t wait for you to see it in 2023. Welcome to the Deixis Press family, James.
The last point for now is that we have another book launch coming up in August, this one a combined launch for HANGDOG SOULS by Marc Joan and AFTER SILENCE by Jessica Gregson3. It will be held on Friday, 12 August, again at the brilliant Vout-O-Reenee’s. Let me know if you want to come. I may end up sending an invitation to you regardless as I probably did for the last one.
Not in North America, yet—we’re looking for a larger publisher there to take it to heights beyond my imagining.
Ok, probably not places like either, thanks to their bias against small publishers who mitigate their own risks by using POD. Feel free to call/write to them and ask them to explain their bad choices.
My understanding is that there may be another launch in Glasgow on Friday 19 or Saturday 20 August. Jess, this is your reminder (I know you’re reading this) (also I still need that headshot!).
I think I'm free on the 12th, if that's permitted...
A pity you're not reading submissions this autumn as I have finished my novel and had you at the top of my list. But I'll continue to follow Deixis and will sample more of your titles. Have a good launch. Here's the original Mr Vout-orooni: